Two people sitting in an office with a laptop.
Published On: February 13, 2023Categories: Advice, For ClientsLast Updated: October 1, 2024

Six Tips for Creating a Positive Candidate Experience

By Jennifer Graham

In a job market as tight as this, employers must look at every aspect of their hiring process to make sure that they can attract the top talent they need. A common mistake of hiring managers is to view the interview process as one-sided. Is this the right candidate for us? While ignoring the other–equally important– side of the exchange; candidates are asking ‘is this the right position for me?’ as they look for the right company, position and manager. Remember, you are in a battle with other companies, including your competition, for the best and the brightest the market has to offer. These candidates are observing you to evaluate what kind of manager you would be.

Here are some basic tips for presenting both your opportunity and yourself in the best light.

1. Provide feedback on resumes and interviews in a timely manner.

To keep candidate interest high, stay in regular contact. Don’t allow their enthusiasm to fizzle while they wait for word from you. Candidates often tell us how much they value being kept in the loop while under consideration for a position. Frequent contacts help them stay patient and interested if the process is slow. Show them that you are interested.

2. Honor your commitments.

If you tell a candidate you will send benefits information on Thursday, do it! If you don’t have the information you need by then, reach out to let them know when to expect it. One of the best ways to impress a candidate is to tell them early in the process how and when each step will unfold and then for the candidates to watch everything happen exactly as/when you said it would. Avoid frustrating their expectations. If you break a commitment, apologize or at least acknowledge it. Show them that you are credible.

3. Thank them throughout the process…

For their time and for their interest in your job. After all, they don’t have to consider your company. Any top candidate is getting regular calls from recruiters with lots of exciting opportunities. Show them that you appreciate them.

4. Respect their time.

The best candidates are very successful, which usually means they are also very busy, efficient and organized. If you set a call for 3PM and ask them to set aside one hour, don’t call at 3:15 and expect the candidate to be available until 4:15. After all, if the candidate is still working, there is an existing obligation to his/her current employer. You probably don’t want to hire someone who will let their current responsibilities lapse so that they can interview with you. Show them that you respect them as professionals.

5. Be careful of your questions.

Avoid anything that might be against the law or considered unethical such as asking for proprietary information. For example, some states have laws that prohibit asking what a candidate’s current salary is. If you are not sure what topics might be unlawful, speak to your HR professional. Also, avoid speaking negatively/ or oversharing about others in your organization, other companies in the market place or your recruiter. Show them you are ethical and trustworthy in your speech.

6. Ensure smooth transitions between interviews.

This is especially important for face-to-face interviews involving more than one person. Provide a written itinerary in advance with all of the information the candidate will need to find your location and to prepare. If the interview runs over meal time, provide a meal. Schedule water and bathroom breaks throughout a long interview day. Show them you are organized.

If you follow these basic guidelines, you can be assured that your thoughtful, respectful, well-organized interview process will be a selling point, rather than a hindrance, in getting the best candidates excited about coming to work for you.

If you’re a candidate looking for a new role, browse all of our current open positions and please reach out to us with any inquiries! If you’re a client looking for our services, head here. Follow us on LinkedIn and Instagram for news, announcements, and updates.

A smiling woman in glasses wearing a blue shirt.

Jennifer Graham has been a search and recruiting expert for 30 years. As President of Cambridge Consulting Services, a highly successful boutique agency, she has seen it all. From candidates who are brilliant, ethical and talented… to a few whose resumes were pure fiction. From interviewers whose exceptional emotional intelligence inspired even passive candidates to make a career change… to some whose lack of professionalism and empathy repelled most qualified candidates. Jennifer wants to use her vast experience “for good” to help both employers and employees make the right connection.

Make the Connection with Cambridge.

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